Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

At The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic we see a wide range of sports injuries from all levels of sporting activity. Injuries can be incurred from a direct blow e.g. a hockey stick or horse kick; lack of preparation e.g. warm up or stretching; accidents e.g. on the ski slopes or a rugby tackle; use of the wrong or poorly fitting equipment e.g. sports shoes or bicycle. We would advise treatment as quickly as possible to reduce the effects of inflammation, speed up your recovery, and return to sport in the fastest possible time.
Biomechanical Assessments and Injury Prevention

Your body requires a combination of strength and mobility for ease of movement. If a muscle becomes too tight or too long, too weak or too strong, or a joint becomes too loose or too stiff in relation to the structures surrounding it, then compensatory movement patterns will be established resulting in imbalances which may increase the potential for injury and pain. Postural advice is of huge importance to young and old alike, particularly when so many people spend so long bent over various pieces of electronic equipment. Small adjustments can make a huge difference to levels of comfort, not to mention strength and function. At The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic we are skilled in assessing function and movement. By assessing how you move and hold your body, we will be able to advise you on stretches and exercises to mobilise and strengthen appropriate areas. In addition, we can utilise techniques such as Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Technique, a system of precise movements, to encourage correct sequencing of functional movement patterns to get you moving in a strong and mobile way. We have many years of experience of treating the results of trauma and injury, and are well placed to be able to give advice on how you can get the most from your body without injury. We are also able to give advice on appropriate equipment, whether for your sport, your workplace or your home life; training routines if you are taking up a new activity; postural correction, and gait analysis.
Sports Specific Rehabilitation

Having treated patients at the highest level of their sport, from dressage riders to rugby players; and participated ourselves at a much more weekend warrior level, we have the experience to devise a rehabilitation regime specific to your sport at your level with the aim of returning you to activity in the shortest possible time. We understand that sport and exercise is a normal part of many peoples’ lives and actively encourage participation. We are able to advise you when relative rest may be helpful for your recovery and suggest how you might continue to exercise during this time. We will then be able to progress your rehabilitation at an appropriate rate for your injury and tailor your exercise program for your chosen sport. We believe that efficient and effective use of the body relies on a stable base, in this case the whole of the trunk. It is imperative to have strength within the core muscles in order to achieve mobility and power in the arms and legs. We will spend time assessing, adjusting, stretching and strengthening those muscles around the trunk which provide stability to achieve normal activity, and return you to your sport stronger and more efficient. Taping and strapping can be used, as necessary, to offload a stressed part of the body, or to encourage a more appropriate pattern of movement.
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